How to operate a Planet

The image on this page is a test screen in the development stage and may differ from the actual operating screen.

1. Planet

1) Introduction

Planets are off-chain nodes that are integral to the interchain network of the HAVAH ecosystem and is responsible for its governance. As the ecosystem grows, the types of tasks handled by Planets may diversify, and the operating requirements or reward conditions for Planets may be subject to change accordingly.

2) Planet V1

Planet V1, the first iteration of the HAVAH Planet, is designed with the primary goal of constructing a decentralized off-chain node network that can work with the HAVAH mainnet. Thus Planet V1 was developed to ensure that tasks can be delivered and handled at various intervals. In V2 and versions thereafter, specific tasks will be assigned and carried out according to this structure.

3) Operation & Verification

Planet V1 can receive rewards when it meets the operation conditions for 6 hours each "day".

  • The rewards from operating a Planet may be claimed 6 hours after the verified time starting from the next Day(Term) the Planet has been acquired.

  • Since the time in operation for Planets is verified periodically, there may be a slight difference between the actual operation time and the verified operation time. Therefore, you'll meet the criteria required to receive rewards if you have accrued more than 6 hours in verified operation time.

  • If you turn off the Planet and turn it on again, the total hours in operation will accumulate and count towards the reward. However, if the "day" resets and the operation time is first verified, the operation time will also reset again from the beginning.

  • Currently, the standby status is checked at an interval of every 1 minute and the operation time is verified every 20 minutes, but this may also be altered by the team in real time.

  • The system is designed so that the reward system allocates 2 hours of compensation processing check time for each day. So starting from the start time of each day, the 6-hour operation time verification must be completed within 22 hours. This is because the operating time during the last two hours coincides with system maintenance time, which is not verified.

** Day: Strictly speaking, a "day" is considered a "term", which is usually equivalent to one day.The time refers to the "term" it takes for every 43,200 blocks the HAVAH chain to be created in a single day. This may cause some time lag depending on block generation and consensus time, and if block consensus does not occur for a considerable period of time for various reasons, this term will also take that much longer. Also, the start time may vary each time depending on the first block generation time of every 43,200 blocks.

4) Reward

How Rewards Are Calculated The reward received when each planet meets the reward condition is the total reward amount divided by the number of Planets. The number of Planets is based on the number of planet NFTs right before the start of a new day. For example, if the total number of Planet NFTs issued right before the start of a new day is 4,300 and the total reward for that day is 4,300,000 HVH, you will receive 1,000 HVH per Planet. If 300 planets do not meet the conditions for reward, 300,000 HVH, or the reward for 300 planets, is attributed to the Sustainable Fund and used for HVH incineration in the future to defend against the decline in HVH value. In other words, the amount of reward for a Planet that doesn't meet the criteria for reward payout does not increase even if other planets do not meet the reward criteria.

Disclaimer on Reselling Planets Planet rewards are managed according to each Planet NFT. So, if you plan on reselling a Planet NFT, you should claim all rewards before selling it. After the sale, the new owner is given the right to claim the old rewards too, so any rewards you didn't collect can be claimed by the new owner.

2. Planet Runner V1

1) Introduction

Plannet Runner is the software required to operate Planets. You can register and operate the purchased planet in Planet Runner, and the current operating status of the planet is displayed so that users can easily identify it. There is no limit to the number of planets that can be registered, but if the number of registered planets is too big, Planet Runner may not operate smoothly depending on the specifications of the platform PC.

  • Plannet Runner System Requirements Windows 10 or higher / macOS(INTEL) 11.44 or higher / macOS(M1, M2) 12.1 or higher / Ubuntu 22.04 or higher

  • Planet Runner Supported Languages ENGLISH

2) Download

If you have purchased a Planet, download the Planet Runner from that matches your system requirements. This page may require wallet login.

3) Installation

※ Common

  • If this is not the first installation, please install the latest version of Planet Runner after completely deleting the previous version of Planet Runner.

  • There may be cases where you need to allow system permission for each OS. In rare cases, your anti-virus program may need to allow access. If so, please take measures to allow the same as above.

(1) Windows

- Please run the setup.exe file. - When the installation starts, you will encounter a Windows PC protection guide pop-up. - If you select "Run Anyway" in the pop-up, you will be able to selec the "Yes" button. - Select the "Yes" button, a pop-up will appear to allow installation, and select "Allow all" to continue.

- Specify the folder location to install Planet Runner, and proceed with the installation.

- When the installation is complete and you run Planet Runner, it will ask for permission to run again. - If you allow it, you're ready for operation.

(2) macOS

- Run the dmg installation file. Start installation.

- When you start installing, you need to set security settings for using the app. - If the developer unauthorized pop-up appears, first click the “Cancel” button to close the pop-up. And select “Open Anyway” in macOS “System Preferences” > “Security & Privacy” > “Allow applications downloaded from”. - After installation, you will see Planet Runner in your applications. - When you run the app, there will be another security check, so if you select the ‘Open’ button in the pop-up, you are ready to install and run.

(3) Linux/Ubuntu

Planet Runner, made in headless type, is designed so that Linux users can easily run Planet Runner. - Run the app in terminal


- Allow Permission: If the executable does not have the x permission, it cannot be executed. Give permission.

chmod 755 havah-planet-runner-headless-linux-1.0.0

- If additional permissions are required, a separate permission check is required.

- Fill out preferences.json file: If you run Planet Runner in the terminal, you will see an error. This is because you have not set an access code.


In order to run Planet Runner, the access code for each Planet must be set in preferences.json. - Fill out preferences.json file a. Connect to and get the access code of the planet to operate. b. Referring to the format below, create a json file by entering access codes as many as the number of planets you want to operate. c. Place it in the same location as the planet runner executable.

"planet.access_code" : [ "00000xxxxxxxxxxx", "00000xxxxxxxxxxx"]

Operating and Monitoring Planet Runner


You can check the operating status of Planet Runner in the terminal. If an error occurs, error codes are displayed on the console and remain as logs during the operating period. A log folder will be created in the same location as the executable file.

3. How to Run

1) Getting an Access Code

Users who have purchased a planet can check the details of the purchased planet on the My Planet page after linking their wallet on the web page. After, you can get an access code for each Planet.

Copy the access code in preparation for Planet operation. - You can directly access \“My Planet” from Planet Runner. - After logging in to the HAVAH homepage and connecting your wallet, click the “EXTRACT” button on the “My Planets” page to issue an Access Code.

· Operating Planets through multiple devices simultaneously using the same access code will result in all Planets that have attempted duplicate operations ceasing operation. Please refrain from giving out the access code to others and operate Planets only on one device at a time.

· When a new Planet access code is issued, the existing access code becomes invalid, and if in operation, the Planet will stop operating. Please reissue the access code only when absolutely necessary.

2) Running Planet Runner

- When running normally

Enter Access Code Select the “+ Add Planet” button at the bottom right of Planet Runner. Then, enter the access code from above. Once you enter the code, the Planet will be in operation immediately.

4. How to destroy the Planet runner

In order to quit the Planet Runner app, please follow the steps below.

The "x" button on the window doesn't destroy it, but just close the UI client.

1) Windows OS

  • Taskbar > Planet Runner app icon > Right-click mouse > From the Context menu, choose "Quit"

  • Hamburger menu at the upper left corner > Choose "Quit HAVAH Planet Runner"

2) macOS

  • Taskbar > "HAVAH Planet Runner" > Choose "Quit HAVAH Planet Runner"

  • Task Tray > App icon > Right-click mouse > From the Context menu, choose "Quit"

  • Use shortcut key (Command + Q)

5. How to claim for HVH coin?

1) Log in to

2) Connect the wallet by clicking the CONNECT button on the top right corner. (The wallet must possess the planet.)

3) By selecting the nickname area on the top right corner, the My Planets menu will appear and By selecting the My Planets menu, you will be connected to a page where you can see the planets and operational status you possess.

4) From this My Planets page, you can proceed with HVH Claim.

6. Terms and cautions

  • Day - the number of days you operate your Planet(s) and claim contribution rewards.

  • Period of day - the period of time that counts as a “day” where you must satisfy planet operation time requirements within that period to claim contribution rewards.

  • Operation - Verified”: the amount of time that is verified and counted towards claiming daily contribution rewards. You must operate the planet 6 hours or more within the “period of day” for it to count towards the contribution reward for that “day”. - “Operating”: signifies the time when planets were under operation and the amount of time can vary with “Operation – Verified” since the time of operation must first be verified before being counted towards contribution rewards. - “Estimated Time of Completion”: the estimated time within the current “day” cycle when planet operation will be “complete”. - “Complete Before”: the time when operation time is verified within the current “day” cycle. To claim the contribution rewards for that day, you must operate the planet at least 6 hours and have the operation time verified before the “complete before” time.

  • Cautions - Please note the client can only run on PCs and cannot be accessed through mobile devices. - If your computer is turned off or goes into power-saver mode, planet operation will stop. - Depending on your PC specs, you can run more than one Planet on your PC. However, the number of planets that can be operated simultaneously may be changed in the future. - You can claim your contribution reward from operating planets from the “My Planet” page in the bottom-left corner. - Rewards will still accumulate even if you don’t claim your contribution reward every day which can be claimed later. (You can still claim rewards even if you keep your computer running) - At least 6 hours of operation must be verified before you can claim your contribution reward. - Planets can be operated between 02:00:00 until 23:59:59 (UTC). Thus, you must start operating your planet for that day by 16:00 latest in order to claim your contribution. - Operating Planets through multiple devices simultaneously using the same access code will result in all Planets that have attempted duplicate operations ceasing operation. Please refrain from giving out the access code to others and operate Planets only on one device at a time. - When a new Planet access code is issued, the existing access code becomes invalid, and if in operation, the Planet will stop operating. Please reissue the access code only when absolutely necessary.

Last updated